We have reached a crisis point.
We are aware that whole areas of our experience of life are missing.
We are faced with a storm of thee fiercest strength known.
We are faced with the debasement of man to a creature without feelings, without knowledge and pride of SELF.
We are faced with dissolution far more complete than death. A New Dark Ages.
We have been conditioned, encouraged and blackmailed into self-restriction, into a narrower and narrower perception of ourselves, our importance and our potential.
All this constitutes a Psychick Attack of thee highest magnitude. Acceptance is defeat.
Resistance is dangerous and unpredictable but for those who realize the totality of defeat, resistance must be thee only option conceivable.
RIGHT NOW you have these alternatives:
To remain forever part of a sleeping world…
To gradually abandon thee hopes and dreams of childhood…
To be permanently addicted to the drug of the commonplace…
Or, to fight alongside us in thee Temple ov Psychick Youth! A New Way On!丰
Author: thx1138
transmitting live 丰
complex cognitive material # 6 – podcast
ccm #6 – 10 3 2020
podcast della puntata andata in onda ieri, 10 marzo 2020, dalle 18 alle 19 su Fango Radio
1) The Ecstasy Boys – Day In The Life (sigla)
2) Throbbing Gristle – United mix 1 (Andrew Weatherall remix)
3) Shit & Shine – 57youyoi-Drinkin
4) Jeff Mills – The Tides
5) Felix Kubin – Uhren
6) S.O.S.9 – Foating City
7) 370° – Mashed
8) Kobosil – 80 KG Hate
9) PWOG – The Key (version)
10) Ombossa – Zi (Svreca remix)
11) Scan X – Secrets
12) Drexciya – Species Of The Pod
13) DJ Disrespect – Acid NRG
14) Alec Empire – Opus 28; Pour La Liberté Des Milles Universes
puntate precedenti qui: https://www.fangoradio.com/shows/complex-cognitive-material/
Stranger Beats Carnival – part 3
terza parte della registrazione all’emerson
recorded at the stranger Beats Carnival benefit party @ csa nEXtEmerson Firenze
“Electromagnetics’ knowledge disperses back into the course of the Van Allen Belt’s (in purity). ‘ ’ dianetical path, continuing on in evolution’s path. Knowledge is scattered throughout Van Allen Belt in minute knowledge-particles. Life. Electromagnetics in a photonic stage to conduct energy’s knowledge light (pure thought) which is in all atoms inhabits compatible disease by fusing into diseases DNA nervous-system structure-codeplan to energize the cerebrum before its embryotic stage sharing and manipulating and being manipulated with the composed knowledge of the atometric D x N = A molecules and at the end of cellular construction is conformed into biochemical energy and is dispersed through motor neutrons.”
Rammellzee, Ionic Treatise Gothic Futurism
aethers and phlogistons
recorded at CSA nEXtEmerson Firenze 22 02 2020 at the Stanger Beats party
thanks to Lore J, OTK Sound, Innercity Jungle, Romola Soundsystem and all friends at Emerson
aethers & phlogistons
Chaos comes before all principles of order & entropy, it’s neither a god nor a maggot, its idiotic desires encompass & define every possible choreography, all meaningless aethers & phlogistons: its masks are crystallizations of its own facelessness, like clouds.
Hakim Bey, TAZ
Recorded at CSA nEXtEmerson Firenze on february 22 2020 at the Stranger Beats Carnival Benefit Party. This is my first short part of a 6 hours long mixtape. Thanks to Lore J for the invitation, OTK Crew, Innercity Jungle, Romola Soundsystem, Gianni UFO and, last but not least, the friends at nEXtEmenrson. Stay strong.
“The natural state of the brain is chaos. We’re dealing with a complexity of in-formation. The first thing to do is to overwhelm your focused mind, your linear mind, by overloading signals, digital patterns, clusters of photons and electrons which produce a pleasant state of confused chaos. This is the state of the brain when it is ready to be informed, that is, to be reprogrammed.”
— Timothy Leary, How To Operate Your Brain